Miroljub Vujovic, Stanko Vujanovic, Predrag Milojevic, Goran Mugosa, Miroslav Djankovic, Sasa Radak, Nada Kalaba, Ivan Atanasijevic (Ivica Husnik), Jovica Peric, Milan Vojnovic, Milan Lancuzanin and Predrag Dragovic
Stanko Vujanovic, Miroljub Vujovic, Predrag Milojevic, Goran Mugosa, Miroslav Djankovic, Sasa Radak, Nada Kalaba, Ivan Atanasijevic(Ivica Husnik), Jovica Peric, Milan Vojnovic, Milan Lancuzanin and Predrag Dragovic
Serbia, Court of Appeal in Belgrade, District Court in Belgrade, Supreme Court of Serbia, Constitutional Court of Serbia
December 04, 2003 until November 24, 2017
Summary: Eight former members of the Vukovar Territorial Defence force and the Leva Supoderica volunteer unit (which formed part of the Yugoslav People’s Army) were found guilty of inhumane treatment and killing of at least 200 Croatian prisoners of war on November 20-21, 1991, at Ovcara farm in the Vukovar municipality. Miroljub Vujovic, Stanko Vujanovic, Predrag Milojevic were sentenced to 20 years; Ivan Atanasijevic (Ivica Husnik) to 15 years; Nada Kalaba to 11 years; and Goran Mugosa, Miroslav Djankovic, Sasa Radak to five years. The remaining four defendants in the case – Jovica Peric, Milan Vojnovic, Milan Lancuzanin, and Predrag Dragovic – were acquitted of the charges.
Final judgment
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Supreme Court of Cassation - judgment
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Constitutional Court of Serbia - judgment
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Second second instance judgment
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Second first instance judgment
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Second instance judgment
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First instance judgment
BIRN Court Reports
January 15, 2018